IT Security

An easy to read guide to the 9 most terrifying types of malware All businesses are being targeted by malware, all the time. And it’s estimated there are now one billion pieces of it out there. What is malware? It’s malicious software that’s been designed to do damage to your IT systems or steal your […]

These are the threats to worry about Read More »

Lawyers, did you know that the Law Society of Ireland have released guidance on how to minimise your business risk of cyberattacks? A surprising number of law firms we speak to are not following all 7 points – and are therefore leaving themselves vulnerable.  The Law Society have publicised a number of legal industry data

Are You Compliant with Law Society Cybersecurity Guidelines? Read More »

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving. What are the top issues that you need to know about in 2019?  Cybersecurity is a constant game of cat-and-mouse, with cybercriminals and security experts constantly in constant competition. What is at stake? The sensitive information at the heart of your business!  This is why it is important for all

Protect Your Company from the Top 2019 Cybersecurity Threats Read More »

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Zettabytes – IT Support
Unit 3C, Swords Business Park,
Swords, County Dublin, Ireland
Eircode: K67 C5Y6

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Unit 3C, Swords Business Park,
Swords, County Dublin, Ireland
Eircode: K67 C5Y6

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